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About the Fatherhood Manologues
The Fatherhood Manologues was conceived in January 2020. Ten men were asked to write a 3-5 minute piece focusing on being a father or being fathered. Throughout the month of January and February, the men met weekly to share their progress and practice for a upcoming community show. For many of the participants, this show was their first performance in front of a crowd. The practices were engaging, fun and lighthearted. On February 26, the first Fatherhood Manologues was held at the University of St. Joseph's. There was a lot of positive feedback from the audience on the performance. View the first show below:
Fatherhood Manologues
Group Process
The Fatherhood Manologues has a six week group process in which men are coached, trained and supported in the development and writing of 5-7 minutes monologues (which we call Manologues) focusing on being a father or being fathered. The Fatherhood Manologues seeks to highlight the importance, value and contributions of fathers through their involvement and presence in their children’s lives.
The development of the Fatherhood Manologues allows men to come together behind the common goal of fatherhood. Each participant identifies a story from his life and works with the team to develop the story to have the greatest impact as a performance. Through weekly practice sessions, participants trim their stories, memorize and hone their delivery to performance level. After each practice session,the group talks about their personal fatherhood journey’s, bond and shop for fathering skills from the other men present to add to their toolbox. The process to develop the Fatherhood Manologues is therapeutic, empowering and supportive to the men that participate.
"The significance of having an involved father or the impact of father absenteeism is felt in each of the personally delivered stories."
July 2023 Performance
Fatherhood Manologues Workshop
The Fatherhood Manologues can also be delivered as a powerful 1-2 hour workshop. The Fatherhood Manologues workshop begins with the facilitator sharing how the Fatherhood Manologues came about in 2020 when 10 men from the community were asked to write a story about being a father or being fathered. Next, the facilitator, performs his Fatherhood Manologue. The group is then provided with 20 minutes to write a Fatherhood Manologue of their own based on their experience of being a father or being fathered. After the 20 minutes, the facilitator invites the participants to share their Fatherhood Manologue. Usually after a little trepidation, the participants begin to share their writings and there is a wide range of stories about the impact of fathers on their lives and as a father. This workshop is powerful! Get some tissues.
Fatherhood Manologues Performance
The performance of the Fatherhood Manologues is an exhilarating collection of short stories about fatherhood. Each story provides a unique point of view on being a father or being fathered. All the stories will take you on an emotional roller coaster that reminds the audience of the important role fathers play in the lives of their children. The Fatherhood Manologues also add focus to the significance of having an involved fathers or the impact of father absenteeism as it pertains to individual's manhood journey. With societal stereotypes and social expectations wrapped tightly around the term “fatherhood” the Fatherhood Manologues is a much needed artistic expression of men creating their own narratives. Funny, entertaining, serious and sad, these stories will have you wanting to reconnect and repair broken relationships; as well as, reflect on the bond with your own father.
After each performance, a panel discussion is held to unpack the stories, answer questions and elaborate on the themes expressed in the stories. The panel discussion is also an opportunity for the audience to share what they felt through the performance and share the impact the Fatherhood Manologues had on them.
March 2023 Performance
Adapted the performance into a play.
As Seen Here:
Hartford Courant:
Scene &Heard Live:
The Kennedy Center:
Hartford Courant:
Scene &Heard Live:
The Kennedy Center:
2nd Anniversary Performance at USJ
First performance of the Fatherhood Manologues at the University of St. Joseph's, February 26, 2020. Video courtesy of NE Video.
Fatherhood Manologues Videos
2020 Arts Mentors Collaboration
The summer of 2020, The Manhood Tree collaborated with Arts Mentors to create stories with 60 high school students virtually. The program consisted of 5 writing coaches that worked with groups of 12 youth. Over five weeks, the writing coaches provided examples, trained and listened to the young people's stories about their lives, family and fathers. In addition to working with the youth, the coaches were asked to write a Fatherhood Manologue. Since on of our coaches was a woman, we created a new initiative called My Dad...in order to support her story and that of other women and young people who might want to be a part of this project. You can view the first My Dad...here. Below, are the latest Fatherhood Manolouges from Frederick Douglass Knowles II, Self Suffice, Laugh, Mathew Rivera aka Matt with a Dream and our founder Abdul-Rahmaan I. Muhammad. Check them out!