The Manhood Tree Group
The Manhood Tree group is an exploration of the six “hoods”: Neighborhood, Boyhood, Young Adulthood, Brotherhood, Fatherhood and Manhood. The goal of each session is for the participants is to fully engage, allow themselves to work through the session and to be able to express their thoughts and feelings openly. Typically, men and boys have been socialized not to speak openly about their feelings, issues, and concerns. When a group of men are in a room together, the discussion usually remains at the surface level focusing on sports, random debates about things and women. The Manhood Tree group is an opportunity for men to talk openly about their personal boyhood to manhood journey and learn from experiences of other men.
Through The Manhood Tree group, men look at their life, where they have been and where they want to go. The Manhood Tree group allows individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives to begin the unpacking process and receive ongoing support through weekly check-ins and additional therapy if needed. The benefit of a group with men of different ages and experiences allows young and old men to learn from each other without having to go through negative experiences.
The Manhood Tree group is ten sessions, each topic is discussed for 2 hours. The ideal number of participants for each session is 3-5 men. The small number allows each participant enough time to express his thoughts, ideas and feelings fully. In addition to the two hour group sessions, participants receive a check-in weekly from the facilitator and are encouraged to write weekly in their journal. The group session topics are:
1. Roots
2. Neighborhood
3. Boyhood
4. Teen
5. Young Adulthood
6. Relationships
7. Brotherhood
8. Fatherhood
9. Manhood
10. Men's Health/ Graduation
Through The Manhood Tree group, men look at their life, where they have been and where they want to go. The Manhood Tree group allows individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives to begin the unpacking process and receive ongoing support through weekly check-ins and additional therapy if needed. The benefit of a group with men of different ages and experiences allows young and old men to learn from each other without having to go through negative experiences.
The Manhood Tree group is ten sessions, each topic is discussed for 2 hours. The ideal number of participants for each session is 3-5 men. The small number allows each participant enough time to express his thoughts, ideas and feelings fully. In addition to the two hour group sessions, participants receive a check-in weekly from the facilitator and are encouraged to write weekly in their journal. The group session topics are:
1. Roots
2. Neighborhood
3. Boyhood
4. Teen
5. Young Adulthood
6. Relationships
7. Brotherhood
8. Fatherhood
9. Manhood
10. Men's Health/ Graduation
Train the Trainer Group
The Manhood Tree Group Graduation