On Saturday, February 4, 2023 The Manhood Tree in collaboration with My People Community Services, Trinity Health Men's Health Institute, UCONN Central AHEC, AETNA, The Curtis D. Robinson Center and the Urban League hosted a Men's Health Event titled: Men's Health is Community Health. Over 100 men from the community came out for Blood Glucose Screenings, Blood Pressure Screenings, Oral Health Screening and PSA Screenings. We also had presentations from doctors of Neurology, Urology, Primary Care and Cardiology.
This event was a excellent start to our collaborations and our goal of bring health awareness and resources to the community. Men were able to ask questions of the doctors and even register for a primary care appointment on the spot. It would have been even more powerful if the men were given the opportunity to talk a little about the fears and concerns as it pertains to doctors. Also, it would have been good to hear from the men what works. These are two things to think about for our future events that are scheduled on 3.25 and 4/15. More details to come. There were a number of individuals that signed up for our Manhood Tree group and individuals and organizations that would like to collaborate on future events. This is exciting and we look forward to continuing the message that Men's Health is Community Health.