Abdul-Rahmaan I. Muhammad completed a seven week session of The Manhood Tree on zoom in collaboration with BSL Educational Foundation on Saturday May 23, 2020. For the past 7 weeks, the group averaged 20 participants and the discussions were powerful and impactful. The Manhood Tree is an exploration of the four “hoods”: Boyhood, Brotherhood, Fatherhood and Manhood using the analogy of a tree. The goal of the Manhood Tree discussion is to allow men to discuss and address each “hood” and how it currently impacts the man they are today or will be in the future. Men and boys have been socialized not to speak openly about their true self, their issues, problems and concerns; or the ideas, thoughts and feelings they have. When a group of men are in a room together, the discussion usually remains at the surface focusing on sports, debates or goes to our lower level thinking. The Manhood Tree discussion is an opportunity for men to express their thoughts about their personal boyhood to manhood journey and learn from experiences of other men.
The seven week session was so impactful, another group focusing on Fathers and their teenage children has been developed and will roll out in June as well as, a follow up Manhood Tree discussion focusing on Male & Female Relationships. The exciting thing about the successful completing and the level of participation in the group is, there will be additional opportunity to discuss additional topics, train other facilitators and grow the Manhood Tree brand. Below, are the flyers from the first 7 weeks and a couple promotional videos. Stay tuned. |